Thank you for the DivxTac.dll fix! Instead of deleting DivxTac.dll you can disable it from WineCfg as well. I'm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and had the same issue where the game would freeze on the character select screen and it seems DivxTac.dll was the cause as well. I'm using Proton Experimental.
Launching winecfg
Launch winecfg (change WINEPREFIX value in quotes to the path of your prefix if it's somewhere else) with:
WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.config/projectascension/WoW" winecfg
Skip down to Wine Configuration
Right click the game in your Steam Library and select Properties (or edit the path in whatever launcher you're using), put the cursor at the front of the path to the game exe in Target and add the following before the path:
winecfg &&
Running the game will now launch winecfg instead, follow the instructions in Wine Configuration, then edit Properties again and remove "winecfg && " from Target so just the game exe path remains like before.
Wine Configuration
After launching winecfg a Wine Configuration window will eventually open.
Select the
Libraries tab at the top, then in
New override for library type in "divxtac" leaving out the .dll and press the
Add button.
divxtac should now be in the
Existing overrides list and selected. With
divxtac selected press the
Edit button.
In the new Edit Override window select
Disable, then press the
OK button on both Edit Override and Wine Configuration windows.