Agreed. I think you could reduce the CD on the Treants themselves, or make them a permanent posse of tree bois healing your friends. Even if they healed a %less equal to what you gain from not having the CD anymore, likely a net positive and very cool character fantasy. Add in some chances to spawn different treant models to have different looks so you have a small healing forest with you
Best posts made by Rubis
RE: Guardians of the Grove
RE: Why I stopped playing Hunter builds with pets...
Rather than losing them, wouldn't it make sense to just add them to the same tab as the books etc? Allowing you to collect them as a fun passtime in addition to the other content? Then you can't summon those types unless you have the skill, and no worries about losing them either.
Poison Bomb
Epic RE: Poison Bomb
This enchant transformers your smoke bomb into poison bomb.
Poison bomb
40 Energy 20 second cooldownThe rogue throws down a poison bomb around them dealing XX nature damage to all enemies within 5 yards and applying a stack of deadly poison to any enemies hit. This smoke cloud lingers and does an additional XX nature damage and applies another stack of deadly poison each second for 8 seconds. Using this skill in PVP drop's targeting like feign death but does not limit sight or reduce damage.
LRE or ERE: Venom Tipped arrows
I think Epic RE is more appropriate but could see wanting it to be legendary to cut down on some other synergies with existing LRE's.
Venom Tipped arrows.
This enchant allows the caster to apply deadly poison to their bow. If they know the spell Envenom it also teaches them the spell Venom Shot.
Venom Shot:
50 Energy
Requires Ranged WeaponFinishing move that consumes your deadly poison doses on the target and deals instant poison damage. Following the Venom Shot your nature damage over time effects do an additional 20% damage for 3 seconds, increased by 1 second for each combo point spent, and you have an additional 15% chance to apply deadly poison from ranged attacks. All doses on the target are consumed.
Battleground Brackets
Have you ever finished leveling your character to 60, eager to join a battleground only to have your hopes and dreams washed away by the ruthless 1-shot-two-handed-warrior-windfury-build with BIS pvp gear?
Well with this suggestion- No Longer!
The concept is to create equal brackets to mirror the pve content side of things. This could be applied to both Arena and Battlegrounds but I think is more important for BGs. The idea is to create a metric (Item lvl/ pvp power) that separates the playerbase into 3 sections: Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
This change hopes to create a better player experience when gearing new alts and entering the pvp scene, while allowing BIS itemization and relative power level in those 3 brackets to be a considerable factor in gameplay. As it is now characters that would be in this systems "Normal Battleground" really don't compete with the "Mythic Battleground" characters because the difference is too large to feel like much progress can be made. As people get more gear, increase their pvp power and get the right REs their character power will increase bumping them up into the appropriate brackets. Even if you've just gone from Normal BGs -> Heroic BGs, you'll not be so far away from the BIS characters to create a hopeless situation when fighting them.
With such a change I think we can increase the player experience, create more milestones and checkmarks for characters gearing in similar ways to people gearing for the PVE side of things, and overall improve PVP in Ascension.
RE: Auto Shot : Auto Throw
Fun I'd love to see some more support for thrown+wands and this seems neat, not sure if the multiple missiles is necessary but the theme is neat.
Greetings Devs and other excitable keyboard designers.
One of my first builds when I started playing asension was to try and make the vampirism epic Re and improved vampiric embrace Rare RE's to work with a bleed heavy AGI character. While it was fun, it wasn't very good at doing either of the things it really set out to do, be hard to kill with good sustain from your lifesteal effects via your bleeds, or do good damage as a mainly rogue/warrior hybrid relying on damage over time to kill your enemies.
With the addition of the two most recent alternative healer RE's that are inspired by traditionally dps spells and builds, I would love to suggest another that uses the bleed toolkits in the game to heal your party. A legendary RE that increased the healing of bleed specific vampiric embrace healing on your team.
Below is a list of ways I think you could go about it, but I want to stress that there are likely many ways to do it successfully, and really hope the Dev's like the idea enough to either pick and choose from the list below and/or add their own :D. The three things below are how I would personally make the new RE, if you have ideas of your own and like the concept, please comment!
1: Legendary RE component: Upgrade a buff spell to act as a "target" that increases the bleed healing specifically on that player. This I think is crucial to making it viable in dungeons and raids, but having it be the one character and being able to swap it I think creates interesting gameplay. If I had to pick a spell I personally would pick [Power Word: Shield]. This could involve similar debuff's that exist currently (not being able to cast it on the same person with X seconds) but could also be worded that the heals from the casters bleeds heal this shield as well. So if you cast it while you have full bleeds up on someone/something then you get a longer duration out of it unless they are chunked by a larger ability.
2: Legendary RE component: Having played the bleed build for a while, I think you might want something to replace Blood and Guts (which was my legendary of choice for my own dps bleed build.) I think I would upgrade hemorrhage to become your main resource dump/builder for this archetype, and make it so that the debuff applied not only increase damage per stack, but also increases the healing you do via your bleeds by X amount per stack.
3: Legendary RE component: You can use the cat or bear form bleed builders and spenders even while not in those forms. (You would still need to purchase the abilities, but you wouldn't need the forms to use them with this RE.)
Maul (Bear)
Shred (Cat)
Rake (Cat)
Lacerate (Bear)
Mangle (Both) -
RE: Legendary RE: Smoke and Ash
Love the theming here, I think the vanish/stealth stuff is super cool! The following things are changes I'd make while keeping the fantasy in tact. A lot of this is a really big rewrite, please take that as a "you really excited me I wanted to do my own while keeping your idea as an inspiration" and not as me trashing your version! It's super neat
Combine bullets 1 and 2 to read:
- Leaving stealth grants you a stack of Ash for 10 seconds.
Your next direct fire spell or ability deals 35% increased damage and has a 50% increased critical strike chance.
Change the 3rd bullet to read:
- Transforms the Blink spell into Smoke:
(blink mana) (blink CD)
Same text as Blink+ this additional text; When you use "Smoke", you enter a more powerful version of stealth for 4 seconds, you take 10% more damage while in the Smoke stealth effect, but are not revealed from taking damage.
Talents that affect blink affect Smoke.Change the 4th bullet to read:
- When a direct fire spell or ability lands a critical strike, the cooldown on vanish is reduced by 4 seconds, the cooldown of smoke is reduced by 2 seconds, and a combo point is added to the target.
Change 5th bullet to read:
- When you use a rogue/druid finisher on a target that has 5 combo points on them, you gain a stack of Ash.
RE: [Feedback] Limited mystic extract feels punitive - I stop playing
I agree overall. I am also someone who likes to play a lot of builds. The allure and thing that sets Ascension apart is it's approach to Alts and completing content with a very wide range of playstyles and builds, and encouraging that aspect of the game should be important.
I have a lot of time put into season 3. I have 5 characters I play pretty regularly and across a couple of those I have easily over 1k runes and orbs on each of them. I would love to buy Mythic Extract levels by spending some number of runes/orbs without the bonus chance of finding an enchant I could extract or sell. I am at the point where if I need to add things to my collection for my next build, I need to spend minutes at a time rerolling on a high ilvl piece of gear to be the most efficient, just to put the enchants on the gear I want.
I really like the collection aspect, I really like that you can build these things to your account over time to allow for more builds, I just think the time to get those extracts is too long. For me, and OP please let me know if you agree, it's less about the resource gathering to get more extracts than it is just the simple TIME it takes to actually reroll that many times. Again, I have over 2-3 thousand mystic runes lol, but I don't want to sit and click every 4 seconds to level up 1 time to extract 1 RE.
TLDR: Make it so we can buy the extracts with resources we collect, I think it is very reasonable to have a cost to increasing your collection, but the time gate on leveling this system is unnecessary.
RE: Legendary RE: Wailing Quiver
Love it, great theme and the numbers sound reasonable.
Latest posts made by Rubis
RE: BG Healing
I agree that healers in BGs are a problem, especially while leveling. I have found that they can almost always heal through 2 dps focused on them. I don't know what I would do about it, but I would start with making it so that they heal themselves less than they heal others. Focusing them should be the correct thing to do, but it often feels so hopeless when they have a couple healers lol
Hey Devs/GM's
Did all the posts from the past few months get deleted/archived?
I hope not, and if they did, I hope in the future you reconsider. I really love this server, I think you all do a great job and I've been pretty vocal about that, I was sad to log onto the forums and seemingly see everything folks had been discussing for the past few months.. .just... gone? (Hopefully I'm not dumb and missed something, I would just hate to move these talks to discord because it does such a worse job at documenting comments on ideas and is just kind of a mosh pit of folks asking for short paragraph wants, where the folks here I've seen put a lot of heart into their proposals <3)
Cosmetic Re's
Ascension RE system is so great, it has kept me so engaged and happy for the time I've been playing, I would love to see a cosmetic RE section that can be applied to tabards and shirts. Things that change the color of spells, the look of things (this could be a place to put boomkin/shadowform/treant stuff). The jazz RE comes to mind, just fun things that don't take up a slot for actual power RE's but increase customization and fun :D. I could see these being DP/RE's depending on the level of change just like it is now.
RE: I have absolutely no idea what they're thinking.
I hear you.
I think something I'm not considering is that on Area 52 people can get more defenses than they could on Mal'ganis because of the different free pick systems. Mal had the rarity free pick which meant you could find out what folks had if you watched their abilities since there were so few epic and legendary slots. I haven't gotten the gear to pvp on Area52 end game yet, but when I do I'll post here again with thoughts, you both might very well be right, just that my experience with the specific gap closer stuff wasn't terrible to navigate on Mal
RE: I have absolutely no idea what they're thinking.
Melee Main,
It was like that for the entirety of Mal'ganis and it was fine really. Just takes getting used to.
Community Forum FAQ
Would love to see a section for staff to post FAQ's and their stances on them, would hopefully make some of their decisions more transparent and give us an insight into how they're approaching the game!
Things I'd love to see a response on:
Why there's no AV for PVP? I'm sure they've answered this question 100 times, and I'd look at the FAQ's before making a post about it but couldn't find one here!
Rubis -
RE: New ability Charm/recruit - mind controll spell
I think there would just be a list of things you could "tame" like the other spells.
RE: Trouble with cross realm mounts
account wide is limited to server. When you get option to transfer to A52 or Al'ar you'll bring your Season 3 vanity with you though as you'll be merging.