There are two ways to resolve 2FA issues:

You have the 2FA recovery code
(you should be able to find it in your email). In that case please visit and click the "remove" button. Insert the code in the box there.

You do not have recovery code or are not logged in to the account.
In that case, please follow this guide below:

Copy paste the code snippet below, and insert all information. Do not delete the prompts.
For example: 1. Account Name: Your account here instead of 1. Your account name here

If you have donated before, providing a screenshot of an email receipt will speed up the account recovery process. Printscreen or Windows + Shift + S to copy a snippet of your receipt and paste it into this ticket

Below is snippet which should be filled in and posted here

Account Name:

Registered Email:

Last Known IP if applicable:

Most Recent Donation receipt screenshot (from paypal, paymentwall etc.):

Main Char and Realm:

Last known successful login date:

Any additional information that will prove account ownership:

If you can email [email protected] from your registered email that will expedite the process.

Your request will be handled as soon as possible!