Who knows if ever really they make a lot of $$ off getting people to buy the packs to go to coa and north.The fast they want people to test to find bugs but not free shows there in no real rush so u may be waiting a very long time . just remember soon tm.
Posts made by Crownami
RE: Death Knights
need to rant a bit
So i like to farm high risk its one of the few things i enjoy any more but 99% of the time any more i just cant seem to have any fun with it.
Endlessly farmed by groups where they farm u 1 by 1 to the point where u just lose all the work and time u put in to farming high risk mats gold and gear.And 95% all seem to use shadow dancer rouge set up and im 100% people use that dame spy addon to track people in pvp zones.
Hell i even had a bear build with 10k+ armor still get 2-3 tap by the rouge builds i just fell like theres no counter play to them and im just farming to lose it all to some one in 3 secs.
pvp just feels so dame unbal and useing a highrisk item is liek ringing a dinner bell to the rouge builds that i have stoped using them all together .
Im guessing it just not me thats had it i all most see no one at all farming mats and only shadow dander and the other shdaow rouge builds runing around in the maps to 2 tap all your items gold and gear away..
RE: can log in
I take it the servers are still down because im still getting kicked out after picking my ch and cant make any new ones.
so no wrath or coa for s8?
So i take it that because the list coa and wrath on sale under the s7 end and its not coming out any time soon for s8?
And is coa or wrath ever going to go out of alpha?From what iv seen said when it does end u dont keep anything and lose all progress.
Its been in "alpha" for what a year now ?
RE: BG Healing
Its not tho even with cc if theres more thin 1 healer it can be allmost inpossible to kill them if they have any idea of what there doing.10-69 bg are won 99% of the time based off who has more/better healers.There more thin enough skill that lower cc dur to make healers gods in bg in the 10-69.
some bg more thin others the hills brad map is 100% decided by healers.
Other bgs less but still plays a huge part.And u should not be forced to take every cc in the game just to counter 1 type kind of defeats the point build how u want to lol.
RE: CoA Access
Your are wrong u can make your proff easy iv max diff proff on 3 chs blacksmith/mining, enchant/jewelcrafting tailoring/skinning /cooking by my self and farmed all mats my self. Just dont be lazy and u can do it lol.Cooking is by far the easiest one to start with.
U can still make copper marks i know for a fact with highrisk mats at a bench there made with the items that drop and needs 5 per to make a mark.
And no u can easly farm in highrisk as long as u have 111 itemlv that u can easly get off ah or from a few dungeon runs . And if u are farming highrish area 1 u only lose items from your bag.
2nd buying a highrisk scroll cost give or take 30g+ u can easly make 100G+ just on copper marks and make proff.Its how i started back a few weeks ago.
And there is still farming golden pearls that like i said sell for 400G+. that any one can do.
U sound like u never even tried farming highrisk or pearls before .
RE: CoA Access
Making copper silver and gold marks is a good way high risk farming .Farming gold pearls last time i did them they where 400g+ per. prob more now with new ah %.
selling good bloodforged gear and mats , Out side of that no idea -
Nerf mana regen in bg
Healers should not be so godly in bgs .If theres more thin 1 even with all the cc in the world there next to unkillable
When 1 healer can stay neer full mana and still heal close to half or more hp per heal and iv seen first hand 1 healer tank 4 guys and stay full mana and hp.
This is border line in sanely cancer to the point once u see what side has more healers u know who won and less allready. -
Got to say its insanely underwhelming tons of build u can do and 98% of people all seem to run the same builds.Coyote + lots of cc.
And if u try to play something with out the same or war gap closers/slow u just insta lose.U are forsed to take x skills or just lose.
Sadly i had high hope's with this being my first reforged with how people hyped it up in vids and ingame.I do think this mode would be crazy fun if there was classes and not every one had every spell in game with x class beats x class.
But this endless coyote cc spam spell cc coyote run away cc rinse repeat
RE: BG Healing
In truth it would be fine but a good set up and its endless mana.Thats the thing that make healers so cancer in bgs.
One in battle in a bg they should not be able to stay at 100% mana and heal half to 70% of a persons hp per heal . -
RE: Inflation on Ascension?
yep get ready for even higher prices on ah to cover the new inc lol -
Need info from older players
So i started playing not to long ago and wanted to make some old bait the ones from classic high risk was able to get 2/3 of the items needed.
But nothing seems to drop Frayed Profane Cloth.Was it removed. And if so why is 2/3 of the animated bait still farm-able let alone the resp still listed in cooking .
Ty for any info also i paly on alari had made a bug tick but it was closed and just said working as intended .
Kind of tells me nothing on if it was removed or not dont help they give u no feed back lol.So maybe i can get some real info here from u guys