Server Rules
Greetings, Heroes!
Welcome to the official rules and regulations thread for Project Ascension. These rules apply while in-game and while in any Ascension community platform.
Don't cheat, bring IRL into the game or harass other members of the community. If that is an understandable and obvious way of enjoying online games it is unlikely you will break the rules even if you stop reading here.
The purpose of these rules is to ensure Ascension is a place for you to escape the real world, leaving IRL issues, drama and politics behind to just have fun playing a game. The majority of the community has never read the rules and has never been muted, banned or had need for any GM intervention.
These rules apply to anyone using your account or accessing our servers from your unique IP address. You are personally responsible for the consequences (including the termination of your account) that may result if any such person breaks these rules. For that reason, we encourage you to not share accounts, never share your password, and change your passwords frequently. A staff member will NEVER ask you for your password.
These rules apply to anyone accessing Ascension servers from your unique IP. Infractions resulting in an IP ban will be applied to ALL accounts accessing our servers from that unique IP. It is your responsibility to ensure friends, family, cats, grandma, roommates, or guests understand that infractions resulting in an IP ban impact ALL players from that IP.
Project Ascension Rules and Code of Conduct:
(1) Communication, chat and general conduct. The use of unlawful, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically, politically charged or sexually derogatory language toward any other player or staff, including real life threats or personal accusations is not permitted. As a community with a diverse range of players, kindly speak and post without the use of vulgarity. We want people to enjoy Ascension without worrying about real life.
We have zero tolerance for harassment or verbal assault towards Ascension staff members. There is no reason for any player to ever verbally abuse a staff member, and it is expected that you will speak to them with respect. We hold our staff to the highest standard, including how they interact with our players. While we understand that no one is infallible, disagreeing with a staff member’s decision is not grounds for being rude. If you disagree with a staff member’s decision, or were the victim of verbal abuse from a staff member, the ONLY correct course of action is to file a report with a Community Manager via Discord or email [email protected].
Excessive spamming in chat is prohibited. Filling the chat window with messages, typing in all capital characters consistently and constantly, and/or relaying the same information in a repeated fashion are all included in the definition of spamming. Consistently using incorrect channels in-game or Discord may result in a mute or ban. Guild recruitment messages belong in guild recruitment channels only. Please note that there is a degree of autonomy allowed to GM's in regards to enforcing this rule. They will address individual issues according to their own benchmark of severity.
Action may be taken against players who consistently create a negative atmosphere. While we welcome constructive feedback and criticism, we expect that feedback to be delivered without the use of personal attacks, threats, toxicity, or gloom and doom. Feedback should focus on how to improve the Ascension experience.
This includes risk mode shaming. Not only is it silly, it disrupts communication between players. It is unacceptable to harass players in World chat.
Violations while flagged as a Mentor will always result in a longer mute and possible account action.
Respect the ignore function. Do not bypass ignore. If a player has ignored you do not attempt to communicate with that player. Additionally, if a player is upsetting you make use of the ignore feature.
Baiting other players in an attempt to get them banned is not only silly and obvious. Do not waste GMs time when you can solve the issue with a /ignore.
Intentionally spoiling movies, shows or other entertainment is unacceptable. Not only is this behavior rude and inconsiderate, many times our staff is unable to stay current with popular movies, shows and games due to their Ascension workload. If you spoil the experience of our staff or players you will receive a 7-day mute at minimal up to an in-game ban. This mute is irreversible and cannot be appealed. Our GMs have full discretion about what constitutes a spoiler.
Discord and In-Game Copy Paste Memes
DO have fun with copy pastas and spamming memes during downtime and
crashessurprise restarts.Don't spam anything damaging to the community involving the server being shut down. It may be in good fun, but with how quickly the community grows new members of your community may not realize this is a joke. Keep your copy paste memes appropriate.
(2) Griefing, and Excessive Disruption of Other Player's Fun. Ascension is a Social Interaction Focused game; as an MMO, players will constantly be interacting with each other in PvP, PvE, out in the world, and inside city and dungeon walls. These interactions almost always have an impact on other human beings playing the game: in an MMO, you can affect other people. Especially on our High Risk realms, some player interaction, such as PvP, carries consequences that evoke intense emotions: this is part of the appeal of such realms, and of the game as a whole. However, the overall goal of these emotional highs and lows--having your gear stolen, getting it back; getting laughed at by a player, winning the duel against them--is to leave with a net positive: to have more positive interactions than negative. This is the key to an enjoyable MMO experience, and the absolute essence of what keeps players playing. The negative interactions bolster the positive that much further, and validate the struggle, providing a sense of accomplishment.
Other players violating our general conduct rules does NOT grant you permission to do so as well.
Please note that this is not a rule designed to pigeonhole players into any sort of mentality or action; rather, it is a rule designed to allow our GM's to punish players whose goal it is to deliberately harass, frustrate, and potentially cause-to-quit, players enjoying Ascension.
(3) Excessive Disruption of the Ascension Stream. Ascension's official stream is designed to entertain current players and attract new players to Project Ascension: as such, the goal is to highlight the experience, and provide a window through which players can observe, and gain affinity for, the real game. However, due to the nature of both streaming and Ascension, it is entirely possible for players to hinder, halt, and disrupt the flow of gameplay on the stream. Constant disruption of the Ascension stream, by excessive greifing of the streamer, stealing Quest Monsters, slaying Quest Givers, and other such actions, directly discourages new players from joining the game, and directly discourages current viewers from continuing to watch the stream. It slows the stream's progress to a crawl, makes it boring, and defeats its purpose. As such, excessive disruption of the Ascension Stream is an actionable offense, at the discretion of our GM's.
Note that this is not a rule designed to discourage players from interacting with our streamers--positively OR negatively. A bit of PvP can be a thrilling stream experience for all parties, as can a dungeon run, or Battlegrounds, or losing a piece of gear. However, players should be able to judge the success of their actions based on the enthusiasm of the streamer and the stream. If a player's actions are responsible for excitement, conversation, and fun throughout the stream, than those actions are an asset to it--regardless of whether or not those actions are positive to the streamer's character. However, if a player's continued actions are subtracting from the experience of the stream, action will be taken to put the stream back on course.
(4) Guilds. You may not organize any guilds or groups based on any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, political or any other hate-mongering philosophy. You may not partake in idolatry of any kind that does not exist within the lore of Warcraft.
(5) Character names are unique and on a first-come/first-served basis. Please choose unoffensive, non-sexual and non-obscene character names. If you fail to do so, you will be asked to change your name, or have your name changed for you. See NAMING GUIDELINES below.
(6) Impersonating Staff Members, or lying to a Staff Member, in any and all circumstances, will result in a ban with no warning.
(7) Frequent abuse of the ticket system, whether to ask the staff for goods, services, or favors, or to insult them, is prohibited. Asking for your friend(s) to be un-banned is a waste of staff resources and will not be tolerated. We DO NOT discuss account details with anyone other than the account holder. See our ban appeal section for more information.
(8) Posting external links in chat that lead to content that is inappropriate, for example pornographic, grotesque, or content deliberately designed to arouse anger, is prohibited.
(9) Altering the color of your chat is annoying and prohibited. Colored chat in-game and on the forums is reserved for server staff to ensure important announcements are seen.
(10) Multiboxing, is prohibited on Ascension. You cannot be logged in to two characters at the time.
(11) Threatening players, staff members, or the server in any way is against our terms of service. Please follow this rule to its logical conclusion; a player who tosses a /threaten at you is not on the chopping block.
(12) You will not exploit any bug you find on Ascension, for any reason, including to gain unfair advantage in the game, and if found, will not communicate the existence of any such bug to another player. All exploits with the potential to create an unfair advantage must be shared immediately with through the in-game ticket system or with a Head Game Master, Community Manager, or Developer via Discord. Players found profiting directly from an exploit or the failure to report an exploit may be punished based on the severity of the exploit.
Other players abusing an exploit does NOT grant you permission to also abuse an exploit. If you see a player abusing an exploit report them and submit screenshots or video if possible. Do not engage in the exploit. Just because a player is using an exploit and has not yet been punished DOES NOT mean you will be exempt from punishment.
(13) The use of hacks, bots, scripts, malicious third party programs or game altering patches that provide any tangible advantages to gameplay will result in an irrevocable permanent ban regardless of circumstances or considerations.
Any form of AFK, automated or unattended farming is strictly prohibited.
(14) We don't tolerate extortion on Ascension.
(15) No Real-World Trade: Any attempts to sell any items, accounts, or information for Real money will result in a swift permanent ban. Attempting to sell, trade or give away a player account will result in that account being banned, even if the transaction has already taken place. Do not conduct business with anyone who is looking to sell an account.
These rules apply to players attempting to buy or sell Ascension items or services outside of the Ascension platform, for example, using real world money. Players are allowed to buy and sell anything they wish in-game for in-game goods and services.
**Allowed (Not RWT): **
- Any trade that occurs entirely in the trade window. Period.
- Any trade occurring entirely in-game using in-game items, currencies or services.
- Trading DP items for any other item or currency in game.
Not allowed (Is RWT):
- Trading something in game for something not in-game.
- Buying or selling any in-game item or currency for real world money, items or currencies on other games or servers, or anything where only part of the trade occurs on Ascension.
(16) Win-trading is strictly prohibited.
(17) Fraud, for instance a Paypal Chargeback, will lead directly and unceremoniously to account suspension.
(18) Advertising another private server while playing on Project Ascension will result in a ban of both your account and your IP. Players are free to play where they wish. We do not condone our players advertising Ascension on another server where doing so is a violation of that server’s rules and action may be taken against those players. Please respect Ascension, our players, other servers and their players. This rule includes community platforms associated with other servers.
(19) GM's will not involve themselves with guild politics: players are responsible for using proper discretion when joining guilds, and any events that occur between members of a guild, except for those that specifically violate the above rules, will be left to players to resolve.
(20) Intentionally disrupting intended gameplay or functionality is prohibited. Examples include queuing for random dungeon finder repeatedly while avoiding the queue or joining a battleground without intent to participate(going AFK, hiding in stealth, or intentionally putting your team at a disadvantage).
This includes abusing the 1v1 Honorable Combat system to avoid legitimate PvP.
Joining Solo Queue 2v2 Arena without the intent to participate, without gear on or otherwise deliberating trying to cause your teammate to lose is not only rude, it will result in a temporary ban. If you join Solo Queue play to win out of respect for the other person on your team.
Iron Man & Challenge Modes
Any attempt to unfairly help an Ironman character will result in a permanent ban for all players involved.Bypassing clearly intended mechanics, ex: killing an alt/friend repeatedly for kill credit to complete a challenge will result in account punishment.
Attempting to take advantage of the support system to restore lost ironman status through dishonesty or misrepresenting information will result in a permanent ban. GMs will typically NOT restore ironman status.
Progression Locked and Unobtainable Items
In the circumstance of items or features becoming available before their intended release you should notify a GM immediately for correction.Items obtained outside of their intended release will be removed, in many cases without compensation.
This includes any item or feature where progression NPCs, PvP vendors, crafting recipes or anything typically only obtainable when the server reaches a set stage of progression becomes available before the intended release date.
Character & Pet Naming Guidelines:
This policy applies to characters, pets, items and other in-game naming methods.
You are encouraged to choose a name that represents your character in the way you want to be seen. However, we also ask that good discretion be used when choosing names for characters, guilds, pets, or any other item or entity in game which can be custom-named. Examples of inappropriate names include, but are not limited to:
Any name that is defamatory or attempts to defame the reputation of another account holder, or a staff member of Ascension.
Any name that violates the Ascension Code of Conduct. This includes names that are racially motivated, politically charged, sexually graphic, anatomical and excretory references, hateful, defamatory, ethnically derogatory, in reference to hate groups, or any other names that would be offensive in nature including homonyms. Simply, if your name defames any demographic or is in poor taste you are likely to be disciplined.
Any name using offensive content as outlined above in conjunction with names of famous or important historical, political or religious figures. Names of modern era serial killers or anyone, or group who have committed crimes against humanity or any name that is closely connected with these acts.
Any name involving a combination of words that produces an offensive result. Masked profanity or slang which denotes offensive terms. Misspellings, phonetic spellings, word combinations, or alternative spellings of any names that violate the above rules in an attempt to circumvent them.
Any name that is an unintelligible combination of letters. Garbled names such as “zzhdsjhdkd” and naming multiple characters with variations of a word such as “dddbbdbdbd” and “dbbbdbdbdbd” which seek to only to gain an advantage in PvP by scrambling voice communication/targeting.
An inappropriate name may subject you to disciplinary action, most likely resulting in a request to rename yourself, up to and including termination of your Ascension account for repeat offenders.
Overall, we encourage you to be creative and mindful of your naming in-game. This helps to foster a creative and enjoyable gaming environment. We understand this is a high-risk server, but we implore you to try your best to be a mature member of our gaming community.
Ban Appeals
Only the account holder should file a ban appeal. Do not file ban appeals for your friends or guild mates. Do not make announcements in /World, in-game, Discord or other associated Ascension communities asking for a ban appeal. Do not disrupt Ascension staff or abuse the ticket system asking for a ban appeal, an update on an appeal, or why a ban was issued. We DO NOT discuss account details with anyone other than the account owner.
If you have received a ban and would like to appeal it, please do so on the forums. All ban appeals will be reviewed by the entire staff before a conclusion is arrived at.
Ban appeals on forums, discord, or in-game is a privilege. Please be aware that when making ban appeals we take into account previous bans. Players who were found to be "at fault" or justly banned who staff saw fit to grant an appeal to WILL be held to a higher standard and will NOT be granted a second ban appeal if it is determined that the ban was issued justly.
Players granted a ban appeal should conduct themselves accordingly and with the understanding that further violations will NOT be granted a second ban appeal if it is determined that ban was issued justly.
Ban appeal decisions are final. Multiple ban appeals for the same violation will not be considered except in extremely rare circumstances where the first ban appeal had mistaken information or additional information became available after the previous appeal was denied. The ONLY time a player should make a second ban appeal is if they have new overwhelming evidence that the ban was issued in error.
(22) Account Sharing and Security: Sharing your account information is against our rules. While there is no punishment for account sharing, anyone found in violation of this rule will be INELIGIBLE for character, item or account restorations of any kind due to being "hacked" or missing items. Ban appeals due to unauthorized access will be immediately denied. If you share your account information you are opting in to any consequences that may arise as a result. NEVER USE THE SAME ACCOUNT NAME AND/OR PASSWORD YOU DO ON OTHER SERVERS. Our team cannot be held responsible for other server's data security or negligence. We always recommend using a unique account name and password on Ascension.
Publicly sharing account credentials will result in an immediate and irrevocable ban.
(23) Scamming Policy
Ascension staff expects players to protect themselves from obvious scams. This policy should not be used to replace your common sense.
GMs have discretion when handling scams and will base their decision on history, severity, intent and how much common sense was or wasn't used.
Any scams that involve bypassing intended mechanics, exploits, bugs or DP items will result in a ban.
Once you accept a trade window that trade is complete. We recommend ensuring the full extent of your transaction with any player occur solely within that trade window. Trades involving mechanics or deals outside of that specific trade window should ONLY be made with players you trust. Altering the contents of the trade window with the intent of scamming another player may result in punishment.
What is a scam?
-Making it appear you hit accept on an agreed upon trade, but actually changed the contents of the trade window without the other player being aware.What is not a scam?
-Saying I will give you x now, but you give me y later. If you give them x and hit accept on the trade window that transaction is considered complete. It is up to you to trust them to delivery.(24) Gambling is not permitted in-game. GMs will not resolve disputes around gambling and action may be taken against accounts found to be gambling or advertising gambling.
Why is gambling/casino/deathrolling not allowed?
-Scammers, botters and gold sellers take advantage of gambling.
-While YOU may be trustworthy... people will scam other players and waste staff resources resolving it.
-Gold sellers and botters run gambling in attempts to hide their activity and innocent players get caught up in ban waves.Why was I banned for buying gold!?
-You probably bought gold.Why was I banned for buying gold when I really didn't?!
-You probably received a large amount of gold from a known seller... probably gambling.(25) Unreachable locations
Ascension has many unique to Ascension interactions(Mystic Enchants, spell combinations, talents) that allow players to occasionally reach locations that are unreasonable to expect other players to be able to reach.Do not attack players from unreachable locations in the world or instanced PvP. You cannot use your location to create a situation where another player is unable to fight back.
This same rules applied to PvE.
(26) Community Bashing
Attacking members of the community based on the way they want to play the game is grounds for a mute. Ascension is committed to maintaining a community and in-game experience you can enjoy the way you want to. The team takes multiple perspectives into account and discouraging other members of the community from participating or sharing their perspectives will not be tolerated.Ascension, and most MMORPGs, offer gameplay options for a variety of gameplay styles. Attacking or singling out a specific way of playing, like High-Risk or Raiders, in discussion is unhelpful and derails meaningful conversation.
Players can choose to participate in multiple aspects of Ascension or only the one they are most interested in. Attacking a member of the community for their preferred style of play is unacceptable. Players on Ascension are free to choose how they want to play the game and it is unacceptable to attack them based on their choice.
This applies to all communities in game and out that are maintained by Ascension.
Support Team and GM Tickets
-Creating additional GM Tickets or Messaging a different GM looking for a new result will result in a temporary ban. Repeated offenses may lead to permanent account closure.
-Intentionally misrepresenting, withholding or lying to GMs in an attempt to gain an advantage or initiate punishment on another player will result in account action.
-Do not abuse the GM ticket system. GM tickets are for in-game issues requiring GM support only. Feedback, suggestions or general questions should be directed to Discord or the Forums. Please do not ask GMs questions you can google! Allow them to focus on issues that require GM intervention. Abuse of the GM ticket system will result in a warning. Repeated offenses may result in account action.GMs follow the same policies. If you believe a result to be made in the error the ONLY staff member you should contact is Kaladin#0001.
If you message multiple GMs for support(please only message one) it is your responsibility to inform the other GMs when your request has been handled. This ensures you do not break the above rules and ensures we can deliver the quickest support possible.
If you have an in-game issue create an in-game ticket via the [] in your options menu! Game masters always answer in-game tickets before handling Discord requests. Please reserve Discord support for issues that cannot be handled via a GM ticket (such as sending Lucid#0001 DP related issues or ban appeals).
Cross-Realm Trading
Cross-Realm Trading is not permitted in-game. GMs are unable to resolve issues in cases where Cross-Realm Trading has taken place, and actions may be taken against accounts that are found to be in violation of this rule.
Why is Cross-Realm Trading not allowed?
-While YOU may be trustworthy, there is a potential to be scammed in such cases, and while all trades are considered final, you or another player could leave a situation with a less than ideal outcome (being scammed, or otherwise).
-Scammers, botters, and gold sellers can take advantage of players in scenarios where Cross-Realm Trading is happening, and you or another could become a victim in these cases.
-As stated above, players that partake in illicit activities such as scamming, goldselling, etc, innocent players could get caught up in a case where they are doing what appears to be large trades to these kinds of players.
-Cases where a scam could occur/has occurred can directly affect/waste staff resources. It is best to avoid having situations where this can occur, not only for staff, but for the safety of you, and others.What if I want to trade items on one realm, for gold on another?
-This would fall under the same circumstances as above. With the implementation of the Malik NPC (Available in the Orgrimmar and Stormwind Auction Houses), you are able to safely transfer items from the Legacy Realm to the League/Seasonal Realm(s), and these items are added to your collection. On the same hand, you are also able to take items from your collection to the Legacy Realm, merging your collections when transfers are available!Why is this a decision?
We've decided on this decision so that we are able to allocate staff time and resources that can add to/enhance Ascension for the entire community, as this requires a significant amount of time invested, and in return, can net a higher return for focus on development.Addon Policy
GMs cannot offer support for addons or issues caused by them. If you install an addon you are responsible for the outcome.
- GMs will not recover items automatically sold by an addon. (Use Ameer).
- If your addon auto trains riding costing you hundreds of gold GMs will not issue a refund.
**Please note the Ascension Team reserves the right to change or amend these rules at any given time without prior notice. Changes to the rules will be posted in our Rules-Update-Log channel on Discord. It is advised you come back to review our rules every once in a while, to make sure you have the most clear, concise and up to date information!
We hope you enjoy your time on Ascension, Heroes!**
Misrepresenting team communication will not be tolerated.
This includes posting cropped screenshots, photoshopping team interactions or anything designed to misrepresent communication or incite drama. The best practice for sharing or referencing team communication is to copy the message link so people can view the original message and its context.
To clarify rule (13) so there is no confusion at all.
Any form of AFK, automated or unattended farming is strictly prohibited.
If you are gaining experience, loot, gold or any in-game value while AFK you are violating this rule. This rule is in effect even if you are not using 3rd party programs. Any form of unattended farming is a violation of the rules and bannable. Unattended defined as unresponsive to GMs appearing to you after a reasonable amount of time, even if you are not technically "AFK."
This has always been a rule, this is just clarifying it.
Clarifying rule (1) as well as general code of conduct so there is no confusion around how it is handled or the actions taken.
Ascension is a place to escape from the constant barrage of politics and IRL issues that permeate most online communities.
There is no shortage of online communities where politics and irl issues can be discussed. Ascension is not one of them.
This means all politics, not just some politics or specific politics. This includes elections, government, current conflicts, gender issues, race discussion, or anything that brings IRL issues into the game.
Keep in mind that moderation is reactive. Other people breaking this rule does not give you permission to also break this rule. Even if you do not instigate the discussion, those engaging will also receive a mute.
Instigating global chat will result in a longer mute. A second offense will result in an irrevocable perma-mute. Do not incite politics in world chat or newcomers chat.
If you would like to discuss these issues you can opt in to /join politics or join a guild that allows it.
If there are topics important to you that we do not allow in global chat I would encourage you to find communities that allow that discussion, and to respect that Ascension is one of the few places to escape from all IRL issues.
If you are unable to sign in, please set your Display Name.