Game crashes whenever enemy casts ranged damage spell
Okay, so here are the steps that lead to the game crashing, this happens 100% of the time, regardless of instance/spells/targets
I engage combat, I can cast spells no issue. The second an enemy finishes casting a damaging spell the game freezes. Sound can still be heard correctly for about 4~ seconds, then the application stops responding and eventually exits out to launcher with no crash or error message. This has been happening for about 1 week. An example, the ogres above shatt, when I fight the casters they put down a totem, when the totem shoots a fireball I crash
Steps I've already tried but hasn't solved the issue. Installing Vulkan translation, still crashes. Running repair. Resetting all settings in game. Uninstalling all addons. Manually launching the game from game files as admin. re-installing the game hasn't worked either.
Hardware isn't an issue, running the game on a rtx 3070Ti, Ryzen 5950x, 32gb of ram. All drivers and windows is up to date.Any clues? This is getting basically unplayable as I can't do dungeons or pvp when the game is like this
@MiniNinja111 Hey! Try disabling any damage meters addons like Details or Recount, they are causing issues at the moment.
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