Allow players to select their racials (Actually opens up the option for new racials to add)
Many of us can honestly agree that the racial abilities can make a huge impact on your character. I remember on retail when all the PvPers rolled human due to the racial and how many wanted to dump Tauren when they gutted the stamina racial to only boost base health instead of all health. Or the fact that the Gnome engineering racial allowed you to build engineering pets that were 3 levels higher than what any other race could create.
Not saying we have to go through a check list of which abilities we want per use otherwise we would have some racial abilities which would be completely ignored., Just choose your race and at level 1 you go through the menu and can select a set of racial abilities off the list such as you can choose the human racials as a whole or the Orc racials and so on and this would even open up the ability for new racial builds in the future that could be balanced against it, not that blizzards was really all that balanced to begin with.
Or if we wanted to go through the lists and go in depth have them select:
- A single elemental resistance
- A single boosted skill level (And gathering professions have boosted gathering speed)
- A single activated ability (And any associated passives directly related to it such as Shadowmeld and boosted stealth level)
- A single flavor racial out of the list.
- A single boosted weapon type or pet.
- A single boosted stat (To be honest, this could be removed as you guys already included it with the stat specialization)
Would be cool to be able to select your race entirely based on their look and the location they have associated with them without feeling like you gimped yourself due to racials.
Off topic, is it just me or does anyone else feel this setup really leaves the Blacksmithing and Leatherworking professions lacking compared to Engineering, Enchanting, and Alchemy which is equally useful regardless of what armor class you respec into using with at least tailoring being the gathering profession for enchanting?
You are right in what you write here, but I personally would rather have more abilities that could be adjusted according to how I play than just 1 set of racials that would then have to be balanced in a complicated way.
So I would rather welcome what I already proposed here with the fact that it would be longer in terms of playing time (or monetary investment), but you can definitely choose and adapt your character to your own image and the role you like to play.
For example, I already play tanks, so I would have to lvl up 3x Night Elf to have better dodge (dodge applies to every tank) then Tauren to get Stamina (for that I normally play) and then I also like to play healer so I lvl up Human 3x for spirit and Gnome for int
In addition, with what I proposed, there is also the possibility to change these racial bonuses at any time (for a few golds), which will better allow you to customize your character even if they add new races with new racial abilities, but yours is that you create a character and you you choose the abilities you want (which is not bad) and then you have them permanently (even if they eventually add new races with new abilities)
Something like adapting a race (creature) according to what it does, Darwin's law (and those birds in the Galapagos or wherever it was )
From what I have seen, Project Ascension seems to be on the WotLK client or maybe later. When it comes to that, the Taurens are absolute trash when it came to their racials.
When it comes to Night Elves and those stats all have diminishing returns which their racial gets added to without the returns applying to it.
By comparison, the Tauren racial is only to the base health before any talents, enchants or gear modifies it at all which at level 80 worked out to something like around 580 life I think, it just isn't worth anything.
Then you get Shadowmeld which is a great combat drop but while the Tauren Warstomp is a 2 second stun that start the diminishing returns on future stuns AND its cast time reset your swing timer. It's only real use for me as a druid was a warstomp macroed into a cyclone to give me enough time to do anything but then had to make sure I didn't bother hitting them with my bash for 15 seconds unless I wanted it to only last 2.5 seconds instead of the normal 5 seconds.
I loved the Tauren starting areas and the way they looked and Thunderbluff and actually had fun mooing at people after I killed them, but you gimp yourself in virtually every roll you have by choosing them.
A bright Tauren racial is a complete fart. 0.5 sec cast which for a tank is 0.5 sec no parry, dodge or block and he gets stun for 2 sec in a game where a person can have different abilities so Shadowfury's ability is 100% better (especially if you put it in a macro) (insta) 30 yard range and not just around you, 8 yard zone, 45 sec CD instead of 1 min CD(W.S.) and 0.5 sec longer stun)
And as you also write about lvl 80 + 600 HP (rounded off), right now we only have lvl 70, which will be +-400-500 hp extra.
Therefore, I would be in favor of racial abilities becoming something like harder-to-achieve talents, as it is in my proposal. And that would partially ensure that there are no complaints that something is stronger and something weaker (to lvl up a character, then lvl up another and the 1st character will get abilities (racials) from the 2nd character). Which is quite suitable especially for the A52 server, which is referred to as a waste server and where characters accumulate that players playing on A52 played for a couple of days just to be able to try some news on the new season or league (why have 50+ characters?)
In addition, I also don't understand why something like the one I suggested is not available in games that are played for seasons, this would cause deleting a character to be less unpleasant because the other character will be a bit stronger (slightly).
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