has the Classeless idea is Genius. this WOW mod need some innovations in profession. Field has well. so here some ideas da might come Handy.
- Make ALL PLAYERS, able to learn gathering skills, Mining, Herbalism and Skinning.
WHY? to supply the Action house whit regents, in reasonable prices.
- Allow us to buy more professions whit cash bough items, that will also able to be sold in action houses.
the fact you have 2 Crafting professions, and ALL resource gathering will encourage people of getting more professions, more opportunity for Cash to the DEV.s
- Allow Guild Crafting, it,s already a guild feature in Blizzard WOW, but will be nice to have it in the ascension has well.
Encourage people of doing professions , has the gathering skills are for everyone, everyone will like a crafter in guild.
increase the raw materials in the world. 3 more minerals, 3 more Herbs and more leather from skinning will do nice has well.
make professions items MORE powerful na dropped ones,
I see that the entire items of the game has be changed do the classless system. so it,s interesting give a buff and some changes in overall items of profession.