Hello there, greetings from germany
I am David, 36 and playing wow ever since BC originally got out.
I play video games since im 5 years old, and have been involved in many MMOs - GW, GW2, FFXIV, AoC, RoI, Skyforge, New World, SWTOR and some others.
Been playing competitive for a while winning a little pirze money here and there, had once founded and run a guild with 3k members, and used to be a noob ganking PK
However these days are behind me now and i enjoy a good roleplay, relaxed and fun. And since Blizz decided to nuke the german roleplay server, im now coming here with some friends and trying to establish a german RP community on Area 52, Horde
RP Rollenspielgilde RP cheesy name but advertising i guess
So hope ill be seeing you guys ingame
Name is Atalkaiju
@Orkarisber Hello there David! Nice to meet you!
Hopefully you will have an amazing time roleplaying on Ascension
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