me RE suggestions :D
mana born dagger (epic RE) (or illusion knives)
- with this RE all your rogue/cat skills use 50% less energy but in same time now use 7% your max mana now (mutilate use 50 energy normal with RE use 25 energy and 7% your max mana)
rage born dagger (epic RE) (or bloody blade)
with this RE all your rogue/cat skill use 50% less energy but same time now use rage in same cost like energy (mutilate use 50 energy normal with RE use 25 energy and 25 rage)
- this 2 RE can be limit for only swipe(cat), claw, shred, sinister strike, ambush, mutilate, shiv, hemorrhage.(hemorrhage for tank RE Relentless and mutilate for new healer Dark Surgeon for they can invest less talents in energy talents and more for heal/tank/dps talents)
magic maniac
with this RE every time you have full rage your fireball/fostbolt/arcane missiles/wrath/lightning bolt/shadow bolt/smite have chance(50%) for explosion (aoe damage for 50% fireball/... damage in 8 yards) and this explosion use all your rage
- this RE i think will be good for all casters (now when spells can generate rage) and will be good for healer with RE Cauterizing Flames (for aoe heal becose explosion hit all targets in 8 yards = cauterizing flames now can hit friendly target = can hit too and heal)(and when i write this was frostbolt healer too(in builder) for him more heal will be too)
Very creative! I like it
@WiliemDemon Like the idea to have a rage/mana melee ability with no cooldown but this can be a bit broken with combo point as those RE make it possible to spam 6 combo generators really easy.
example: with hemorrhage and sinister calling you can have a spam able 2 combo ability and finisher with ruthlessness.
So, it can get out of hand as rogue combo point generator is balance around energy consumption.
Maybe limiting it to one or tow rogue ability can be a better choice -
Holy Berserker (legendary RE) (dps RE ?)
- with this RE you
- allows use 2 hand mace and offhand(mage)(book )
- your Righterous Fury is transformed into Holy Berserker = increases your spell damage by 30% of your stamina.While this stance is active you no generate threat but every time you hit enemy with holy damage 2% damage is returned to you as spell damage
- Judgements now no share CD but now make lesser effects = -50% heal or mana or low movement speed but now can have all this effects on 1 target
- when you use illuminated judgement(epic RE) your judgements now share all haste judgements RE(= -3 sec CD max) but you get +1 sec cast time for your judgements (this +1 sec cast time can be reduced with melee haste)
Holy Prophet (legendary RE) (heal RE)
- with this RE you
- your Inner Focus is transformed into Holy Prophet(stance) = duration of your weakened soul is reduced by 8 sec and Greater Heal cast time is reduced by -10% and -50% mana cost for Power Word: Shield but -10% movement speed and -15% max HP when you use this stance
- your Divine Protection now work for all party members(5 targets)
- when you know Power Word: Shield and Consecration you will get Barrier Zone skill too = this is zone like Consecration(paladin skill) and in this zone absorb 5x more damage than Power Word: Shield and holy ground(epic RE) work for this skill (30 sec CD, use 10% your max mana, insta cast, targetable like blizzard, work for 20 sec)
Selfless Fighter (legendary RE) (tank or heal RE ?)
- with this RE you
- your Divine Sacriface is transformed into Selfless Fighter(Aura) = 15% of all damage taken by party/raid members within 40 yards is redirected to you but this can kill you(with divine guardian talent you get -10% reduced damage taken for 4 sec every time you get damage(no from redirect effect))
- talen divinity work for you now (no need use Righterous Fury) but can not use Soul Link(warlock skill)
- all hp, stamina and Dance of Death(capstone bonus) talents are now 2x effective
- your Hand of Sacrifice now last for 30 sec but when you use Hand of Sacrifice you get for 30 sec +40% heal effect on you and +20% max hp
- Hand of Sacrifice can be use on your self but when you use this way redirect effect from Hand of Sacrifice will be credited to your Selfless Fighter(Aura)(= 30% + 15% = 45% with no talents or REs(75% max)) but for this time(30 sec) you get +200% hp and all heals on you will be +50% more effective
- redirect effect make threat when you use any tank stances
- with this RE you
Dark lord (legendary RE) (tank, DPS or heal RE ?)
- with this RE you
- your Metamorphosis and Shadowform combined in to Dark lord(stance) = in this satnce you now can use shadow spells and other spells you use damage you for 5% damage make on enemy but all your DoTs now can crit and benefit from haste and critical from DoTs random use your learned shadow DoTs on enemy and all your DoTs make +15% more damage(when you know corruption and curse of agony a use corruption on enemy this enemy can get curse of agony too when corruption crit)
- when you know Vampiric Embrace this skill will be converted in to Dark Mastery = on/off skill(like hunter aspects) and when you use this skill all your DoTs heal your party/raid members with 10% damage you make (you no heal self with this effect)
- when you know Seed of Corruption this skill will be converted in to Dark Energy = on/off skill(like hunter aspects) and when you use this skill all your DoTs now have 50% chance spread to the enemy in 10 yards around your tagret who get critical damage from your DoTs but every time this effect will be use you lose 1% your max mana
- when you use Everlasting Affiction(talent) all your DoTs make 1 tick damage every time this DoTs get reset duration (need have max rank this talent)
- with this RE you
Combination Magic (legendary RE) (or Along With the Beast)
- with this RE you
when you know Tame Beast you learn new skill Combination Magic(Along With the Beast) (stance/form) and when you use this RE you lose 10% all your stats and damage but when you use this new skill you lose your pet and absorb his stats (your stats + (pet stats x 70%)) and all talents that work for hunter pet now work for you (pet talents work for you too)
can not use Beast Mastery talent
when your pet is Bat you can use his Dive, Sonic Blast and Echo(passive) chance 7% for all your skill can be use 2nd time (same like talent Lightning Overload)
when your pet is Bear you can use his Swipe(this will be use instead of your melee auto attack) and +10% max HP
when your pet is Boar you can use his Gore, Charge and all your gap closer skills get your STR like bonus damage (melee)
when your pet is Bird of Prey you can use his Dive, Snatch +5% agility
when your pet is Carrion Bird you can use his Dive, Demoralizing Screech and food buffs +50% effects
when your pet is Cat you can use his Prowl, Cower and bleed damage get +15% more damage
when your pet is Crab you can use his Pin, Cower and +5% armor
when your pet is Crocolisk you can use his Bad Attitude and +5% melee damage
when your pet is Dragonhawk you can use his Dive, Fire Breath +5% fire damage
when your pet is Gorilla you can use his Pummel, Smack and +5% strength
when your pet is Hyena you can use his Tendon Rip, Cower and Rabies(Reduces the rate of an enemy's health regeneration by 50%, in addition to lowering its Strength by Y and its Agility by Y, for 10 min.)(Y = your max Agility/20)
when your pet is Moth you can use his Serenity Dust, Pollen(nearby attackers, dealing Y periodic Nature damagein 15 sec.Pollen = Poison)(Y = your max spirit/15)
when your pet is Nether Ray you can use his Nether Shock, Tail Sting (Strikes the enemy with a powerful poison, damaging them and slowing them. This effect decreases over time.)
when your pet is Raptor you can use his Savage Rend, Infected Wound(Increases the Physical damage taken by an enemy for 30 sec.)
when your pet is Ravager you can use his Ravage, Corrosive Mist(Nature damage inflicted every 2 sec.Armor reduced by 15%.20 seconds duration)
when your pet is Scorpid you can use his Scorpid Poison, Lash(Stuns an enemy for 1 sec. and has a chance to disarm.) and +5% nature damage
when your pet is Serpent you can use his Poison Spit and all poisons get x2 time (x2 damage too for instant)
when your pet is Spider you can use his Web and chance(15%) any critical melee damage refresh CD for your Web skill and when you use your web successfully you ger +25% movement speed for 3 sec
when your pet is Sporebat you can use his Spore Cloud, Tentacle Lash(passive, Extra 35% damage to an enemy when behind them.)
when your pet is Tallstrider you can use his Dust Cloud, Rushing Charge(Movement speed increased by 60%.Inflicts an additional Y damage on first attack, CD=9 sec)(Y= your max Agility/8)
when your pet is Turtle you can use his Shell Shield, Fatal Bite(Drains health from an enemy, healing the caster for up to twice that amount(CD=15 sec)) and only when you use shield +10% chance block but -10% movement speed
when your pet is Warp Stalker you can use his Phase Burst(Increases movement speed by 10% for 5 min.), Warp and +5% arcane damage
when your pet is Wind Serpent you can use his Frostbolt Volley(aoe Frostbolt)(2,5 sec cast -30% damage(for balance)), Lightning King (passive Chain Lightning now get 2x more targets to hit)
when your pet is Wolf you can use his Furious Howl, Wavering Will(Increases the time between an enemy's attacks speed by 25%, slows its casting speed by 20%, and slows its movement by 20%. Lasts 1 min. CD 1 min) and Invisibility and Stealth Detection (passive)
- with this RE you
Only earth(fire, water, wind) (rare RE)(4x REs)
- with this RE
- you you can use only 1 element for your totems = you now have 4x ? element spot for totems but can not use other element totems
- when you use earth = your skill Call of the elements now can summon all 4 earth totems you know (Stoneclaw, Earthbind, Stoneskin, Strenght of Earth, Earth elemental totem, ....)
- can use 2x this RE (2nd with other element) and when you use 2nd this RE you now can use 2x ? and 2x ?? element
- fire and earth 2x both can be use but can not use other like water and wind
- Rare RE becose this no change too much gameplay but still can be use for tanks, heals and DPS builds (heal take water, tank earth, dps fire and wind )
- fire and earth 2x both can be use but can not use other like water and wind
- you you can use only 1 element for your totems = you now have 4x ? element spot for totems but can not use other element totems
Elemental Fairy (Epic RE)
- with this RE
- your totems are change in to small orbs that fly around you but when you use this RE damage totems lose 6% damage and all other have only 15 yards range(can not be destroyed)
- this RE can be use with Only earth(fire, water, wind) RE but can not use elemental totems(earth and fire)
- your totems are change in to small orbs that fly around you but when you use this RE damage totems lose 6% damage and all other have only 15 yards range(can not be destroyed)
Legendary drops of life (Epic RE)
- with this RE
- when you know healing stream totem you learn Legendary drops of life(totem water) and you can summon this totem and this totem auto use your nature HOT which you use first on this totem on targets who have 75% or less hp in 30 yards range for 30 sec and 40 sec CD
Blazing sun (Epic RE)
- with this RE
- when you know Lightwell and Conecration your Lightwell get chance(10%) when you lose hp(life tap) your Lightwell you have used(can be multiple) change for 8 sec in to Blazing sun (consecration effect in 12 yards Lightwell in the middle) and when this effect ends Lightwell get full use time(3 min) but only 50% max use (refresh/restores Lightwell on spot)
- RE Holy Ground work with this Blazing sun effect but only when you use spirit like main stat
- all other Lightwell REs work with this RE too (manawell RE = only 2 use)
- when you know Lightwell and Conecration your Lightwell get chance(10%) when you lose hp(life tap) your Lightwell you have used(can be multiple) change for 8 sec in to Blazing sun (consecration effect in 12 yards Lightwell in the middle) and when this effect ends Lightwell get full use time(3 min) but only 50% max use (refresh/restores Lightwell on spot)
Puppeteer (rare RE)
- with this RE
- when you know misdirection you now get (on/off) skill Puppet and when you activate this skill 100% your threat go in to your pet/summon (can be use only with any pet/summon active)
Knife Thrower (legendary RE)
- with this RE
- when you know Sinister Strike and use Trow weapon(no bow or gun) you can use changed Sinister Strike in to Thrower (30 energy, instant, 70% your normal weapon damage, 0-20 yards range) this skill can use poisons(like melee auto attack) and when you use 2x 1 hand weapons you use 2nd time this skill when your GCD is in half(+-0,5 sec)
- Thrower bonus when you use axe you can give enemy rupture bleed effect (3 combo points)(chance 4% and criticalx2)
- Thrower bonus when you use dagger you can trow for +10 yards and can give enemy rupture bleed effect (2 combo points)(chance 4% and criticalx2)
- Thrower bonus when you use sword you can disarm enemy (2% and criticalx2 = 4% for 1,5 sec)
- Thrower bonus when you use mace you can stun enemy (2% and criticalx2 = 4% for 1,5 sec)
- Thrower can use multiple bonuses
- when you know Slice and Dice this skill will be changed in to Bleeding Hands (same like Slice and Dice but get bonus when you bleed for every bleed damage you get your attack speed get +2% but chance miss get +1% for 30 sec and this stack up to 20 times
- with this Bleeding Hands can have 32% attack speed(slice and dice) + 40% = 72% attack speed(melee) but 20% chance miss with all your skills
- all REs and talents for Slice and Dice work for new skill too
- when you know Recuperate this skill will be changed in to Pain Numbing Drug and this skill when you use give you +2% hit chance and +1% max agility per combo poin use for 10 sec
- all REs and talents for Recuperate work for new skill too
- Multi-shot, Aimed shot, all stings can be use with this RE but max range will be 21 yards (with talent Hawk Eye)(min range is 0 yards = can be use in melee range)
- all REs and talents work for this skills but RE Sawed Off Barrel make Multi-shot min/max range 0-10 yards
- when you know Auto Shot = Auto Trow now too
- all REs and talents work for this new skill too
- can use swashbucklers RE with trow weapon (no off-hand)
- when you know Sinister Strike and use Trow weapon(no bow or gun) you can use changed Sinister Strike in to Thrower (30 energy, instant, 70% your normal weapon damage, 0-20 yards range) this skill can use poisons(like melee auto attack) and when you use 2x 1 hand weapons you use 2nd time this skill when your GCD is in half(+-0,5 sec)
- with this RE
Bookworm (legendary RE)
- with this RE
- you now can use 2x off-hand (mage) and when you use 2x off-hand you get 2x more stats from this items and +15% haste but now you can not use any damage skills that use rage, energy (rune/DK) (still can use skills like evasion, kick, ...)
- when you know Presence of Mind you now can not use this skill but get new passive Infuriating
- Infuriating when you have max rage and energy your next basic damage spell skill (spell - Fireball, Frostbolt, Arcane Missiles, Smite, Wrath, Lightning Bolt, Shadow Bolt) hit all enemy targets in 10 yards aoe for 60% damage and use all your rage
- when you know Guardian Spirit you now can not use this skill but get new passive Exalted Above Malice
- Exalted Above Malice when you have max rage and energy your next basic heal spell skill (spell - Holy Light, Healing Touch, Healing Wave, Greater Heal)hit all friendly targets in 10 yards aoe for 60% heal and use all your energy
- with this RE
Gladiator (legendary RE)
- with this RE
- when you use 2x 1 hand weapons then when you dodge your next skill get bonus effect and talents Tactical Mastery and Deflection work for you but no capstone
- your bash (bear skill) now work in aoe in cone in front of you (8 yard range)
- your Thunder Clap get x3 range
- your Mocking Blow/Challenging Roar no get CD
- your Death Wish get 2x time effect (1 min)
- your Intercept get 2x range for use (50/60(with talent) yards)
- your Spell Reflection can be use with no shield but get +10 sec CD
- when you use 2x 1 hand weapons then when you dodge your next skill get bonus effect and talents Tactical Mastery and Deflection work for you but no capstone
Daemon (legendary RE)
with this RE
- your metamorphosis will be permanent form but you lose all bonus from this skill (no more armor or damage ..)(but can dodge and parry now)
- but when you use fire damage you get +8% fire damage for 10 sec
- but when you have any shadow Dot on enemy you will generate threat like any other tank stances/form
- your Divine Protection will be now passive but with only 25% damage reduction (-50%) and can use talent Divinity with int main stat
- you Hand of Sacrifice will be now passive but now work otherwise
- now when you cast any fire spell you can activate Molten Skin talent but you get +10% more damage for this time(3% chance when you no have this talent and 12% when full talent)
- your Holy Shield is changed to Dark Shield
- Dark Shield = 30 sec CD, 10 sec use, in this time any time you dodge you have chance(50%) spread your dots on your target in 15 yards aoe and when parry your dots make insta damage like 1x tick(no need use shield for this skill)
- your Arcane Power is changed to Fire Power
- Fire Power = same CD like Arcane Power use time 20 sec and +10% fire damage but when this skill active any fire critical damage give you +1 sec for use time
- your metamorphosis will be permanent form but you lose all bonus from this skill (no more armor or damage ..)(but can dodge and parry now)
can use Divine Protection or Hand of Sacrifice no both
- with this RE
Galaxy Force(legendary RE)
- with this RE
- Backlash (talent)(no need be max but you have less chance for activate)
- now make same time when this talen is activated -black hole- effect that pull all enemies to you in 30 yards and hit for 100% your main stat but Backlash now lose his insta cast effect
- when you are in tank stances/forms damage get -50% but make high threat
- when you are in not a tank stances/form all enemy target you hit lose 10% speed(attack and move)for 5 sec and your Fade(when know) reset CD
- Nightfall (talent)(no need be max but you have less chance for activate)
- now can be activate from block/parry/dodge and from spells too and when this talent activate you get in same time -the dark side- Nightfall now lose his insta cast effect
- when you are in tank stances/forms -the dark side- now give you 2 sec cast time for Corruption but this corruption now hit all enemy target in 9 yards around your target
- when you are in not a tank stances/form -the dark side- now give you your next Shadow bolt use 100% your energy but hit 5 enemy targets and use 100 rage and targets you hit get your corruption (when you no have energy = you hit only 1 target and when you no have rage = you no use corruption)
- Vengeance (talent)(no need be max but you have less effect)
- now you get -bright side- effect like bonus per stack and per talent use
- when you are in tank stances/forms -bright side- now give you +0,33% parry and dodge(max +5% parry and dodge)
- when you are in not a tank stances/form -bright side- now give you Twilight damage transfer (6,66% your shodow damage will be now twilight damage per talent and stack)(when your Shadow bolt make 10k hit(shadow) = with max talented stacks = Twilight bolt = 10k hit +15% from Vengeance(twilight)
- Focused Will (talent)(need capstone bonus)
- now you have 5% chance activate capstone per hit you take
- when you are in tank stances/forms you get +5% for spiritual attunement(talent when you know) when get max stacks
- when you are in not a tank stances/form you get +10% haste when get max stacks (3/3)
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