Can't fly in Outlands
I've had flying for awhile now, but today I wasn't able to mount up in Shatt. So I took the flight path to Honor Hold, where I was able to fly around and farm. At least for a few minutes. The next time I tried to mount up, I couldn't use any flying mounts again. So I used my hearthstone to go to Telaar. I mounted up, flew and mined a few things before THAT zone told me I couldn't use my flying mount there. I'm hoping this is a glitch from all the restarts, but as it is right now, all zones have blocked me from flying
@DannyDemonic i think high risk char can not fly but i remember mabye wrong
@WiliemDemon I'm not High Risk, just PvE. I can sometimes fly from Honor Hold over to a place to mine, and when I try to mount up again, the game tells me I can't use that item here
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