True Shockadin build
Is there any? I would very much like to play one,because that was my main spec during Vanilla,TBC and beginning of WOTLK (s5/ early s6)
In S6, Shockadin was ruined and became unavailable , that's when i switched to full healer .
I am new to Ascension, still trying to figure out what works the best and considering s2 is almost non exsistant if you want to climb , i have no other choice but to climb in 1vs1 and like i said,i would like to do that with the only spec i actually LOVED to play.
@Werdx use holy shock /penance /ridetide with the mending tides ME / along with penance ME that buffs riptide / use Downpour / use shadow dagger. Will get you functionally close
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