My huge list of questions That i need help with..Thanks in advance.
Edit - For the request of the gm/staff Spaced them out. They're not simple questions, and after looking through everything i could find..the answers to these still eludes me. Even with the ascension videos "what to do" and stuff..didn't seem to find any..anyhew, questions are all numbered below, and if it's too much, please don't let me know it's too much to read, that's a slap in the face for answering questions (and a big pet peeve, not to mention wasting both our time...taking time to let me know you won't answer, even when it's numbered -.-), i know i may get in trouble for saying it, hence i left at the front - it's 72 questions (one about the forum, only because a gm replied here). They're not simple, because the ambiguous answers/stuff i could find, doesn't really answer what i need, unfortunately. Anyway. For any who does take the time to answer, and (It really feels weird saying it like this) to tastyGm thanks for the time, and tbh i willingly expect no answers to any of it here I really don't want to dive through discord posts for weeks, when some of which i could test by then...i'd rather play the game then spend ages learning what doesn't work (at least for now as a newbie). But anyway, thank you for your time and if it's too much, no harm no foul, don't help me then ^.^
Sorry in advance if i posted this in the wrong one, forum rules seemed to be more in game rules.
Okay so this may be long - first, thanks for the game, i loved wow as a kid, can't stomach the subscription fee (was between this and ff 11, now ff 14).
...I got my undead dude to 60 in 2 days, and remembered, hey i can go alliance as a warlock o.0 I don't need to stick to undead..Anyhew, had many MANY questions. As pvp leveled me really fast, and now..i' lost. Thank you in advance for your time, at upwards of 30 ish questions for now o.0 And any of the questions ...if there's a guide, or some idiotproof (i know, dark term, but i like "idiot's guides" (like the books) they make things..simple ...any answers in a simple way for me will help oodles. Please and thanks. ..or and thanks again for all the help...sorry if i double up a bit on questions..First - my build. There's no easy access "the level cap currently is ____ thing." Assuming it's above 70...
I want a summoner. Altho we're left with one pet. Also, to use more fun weapons (scythes, or fists...or dual 2handers). So, is it necessary to go full warlock for pets. Or, is there a more viable class for pet bonuses/making a pet work..and do Hunter bonuses apply? On that note...are they necessary (tame "exotics" now, given what you can find in the auction house, and whistles/horns for..well..everything...i was wondering if it's a "necessary" skill for powerful summons or can be skipped given how Ascension works.Second, what's necessary for pets aside (and establishing my timeline of questions here). Titanic grip. I want Dual 2handers. Can't seem to find if when they're wielded with ANY bonuses work, or only ones expressly said/used for 2handers + 2h mastery.
Speaking of - do those stack (rogue and warrior) or does only one work. For that matter, ones like prismatic cloak (mage) damage reduction stack? or do those sort of damage buffs/debuffs only work with "that class" skills? (made me think of joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat)'s hard to tell where they stack, and where they don't for some of them.-
Regarding pets -> are summons like the infernal and doomguard. ...before that. The doomguard. Is curse of doom a controllable one, to use, or does the "ritual" one be the only one necessary. I can't seem to find out..but it looks like they made controllable at one point? They seem redundant..but not..and i'm confused. Anyhew, on the note of pets. Are the "horn" pets more worthwhile than skill ones? Or is there a guide somewhere showing not so much meta..but why they're good (for fun) (more on what guides i'll need at the end).
Reguarding weapons again -> I'm kinda unclear on where to get fist weapons (scythes too..) outside of the pvp gear vendor and obvious vanity gear.. Can't seem to find any that are functional. I still want the pvp ones for vanity sake, but ..are there any good ones worth getting now that i'm at 60?Seems aesthetic wise they're only at pvp? I'm wondering if there's special quests or something that are easily overlooked (or any other cool/fun weapons that are amusing to use, like the arcanite dragonling..working on engineering will be tailoring so i can get some decent bags, when i save up for the secondary profession enhancer thingy), but yea, any easily overlooked ways/dungeons or something for those 2 weapons that i may have missed, or anything else as a "fun" weapon(doesn't have to be meta)?
Kind of a dumb one but if i made an alliance toon to raise up..just to be sure, any vanity stuff i unlocked on horde, still usable on alliance right? "that human looks like he was raised by orcs!" style.
Along with hidden quests..i'm so lost at 60 (admittedly my own fault skipping progression) - probably will up to there any way/guide for unlocking endgame dungeons...or dungeons farm stuff like the old molten core/ragnaros tier'd class stuff?
...just wanted to put this somewhere. Can that hand mount give a thumbs up, or the finger...or point or anything like that? Wouldn't it be cool if they ..when a monster was close..and off screen..they point at it? Forget that one..just wanted to mention and ask..if it can give the finger (because i find it hilarious ^.^)..can someone idiot proof it for me how to get it? I really wanna add it to my collection..and can't find it.
back on topic - the tier'd battlepass thing, it]'s all blacked out for me and says 2400 days till it unlocks. IS IT unlocked, or passed...a feature not working..or am i missing something there?
On that note - the dailies from the horde board. The pvp ones that say finish with gold or tokens. Is that the ONLY way to do it, or am i missing some quest progression there. (i can't even accept them) do you accept/use the quest board?
...might as well nto so subtly ask -> are there any pets recommended beyond doomguard (might even have a horn to get one without the summon hijinks anyway) for fun and or power? (preferably fun and can hold their own/unique). And things like the remote, only "enslave demon" type skills can be used to get a pet that's stable-able, or horns and stuff right?
On that note - how many "enslave" type skills can you have..and do you need them? (I tried switching freely when i started, and it changed my pet to a dragon with the mage one) but i can't have both to choose from?..on that note...what is the pet limit. One attack, one utility/cosmetic? (with the death knight's skill where he channels and calls a bunch of ghouls) is why i ask, i'm wondering how big an army i can have to myself...and good soldiers for said army -
Mining. Is there an easy way (outside of the auction house) to level mining/ get stuff to level up the skill? or do i have to just get lucky finding ores. On that note, i saw on the database when i was looking up engineering goodies, and saw a swiss army tool for engineering (holding the spanner and stuff.. <- wondering if it's a joke, attainable, or if the tagline is true and it can be a one stop multitool to save space in my bags? And mining...Where do i go to feed the need.
Just to keep everything together here -> the dragonlings, anyone mind linking/leaving how to find them here for me, please and thanks.
Along with above, and any skills that don't stack between classes/only work on class skills (the ones that don't say so i'd assume they don't but dunno how it's coded) -> are there any fun and or amusing skills besides polymorph to look for?...more to this in the next one..
Mystic enchants! Someone told me the system opens in full at 60..and i for the life of me can't figure out how it works. I think you go to the ethreal dudes in town, that sell mystic shtuff -> but only for randomized ones. Do certain ones drop from certain it a universal chance at random? or am i stuck trying random till i get everything. He also told me it unlocks the collection bit to use the scrolls i have (have a bunch in the bank) rather then "activate" put them in the collection so anyone can use them. do i do that? And are there any (gonna look through the wiki/database i linked above) that are good for my plan of fighting with a pet/summon, or have unique summons...or anything like that? I'm content not being a warlock, altho i do like that my damaging attacks can heal me..actually... -
On that note - Is there a way (outside of specific equipment) to heal on attacks. I know warlock has some that heal on attack (like chaos bolt) ..along with the obvious of drain life. Rather than heals, i'd like to have a way to keep myself up while still doing damage...any suggestions there...if they can fit in with my build (jack of all trades, master of none summoner, with some fun stuff). Altho i like getting heals from there a heal or 2 to shoot for for general healing?
Portals -> are there any useful ones to recommend getting at the start (outside of the obvious of orgrimmar and big cities). I know i can go to undercity and hop in the goblin teleporter to go to a few..but i'd rather the spell. On that note - are there any "useful" or utility skills/talents/enchants worth looking into?
Is there anything someone who rushed through (lots probably) could have missed/overlooked (like quest lines for dungeons)...thanks again for this, i feel bad asking (i am so glad i could rush through to endgame fun tho, and don't regret it at all).
Leaving blank for macro help..may ask later once i figure out my skills and the way i wanna use them, but a guide here would help too/simplified macro stuff/what can be done and what can't. (Can you wait a few seconds while a skill is channeling for example). I have crazy cultist on at the moment - OO forgot that one - is there a list of spells that it can activate randomly (or the other ones that activate randomly) or is it ANY warlock spell?..anyhew do you make it wait while you channel or spam? The secondary attack bar, do you have to switch to it, or is it like, "bar 2- Shift 1, bar 3 - ctrl 1" to use the skills without being on it?
On the note of bags and their there an easy way for 32 slot bags/higher end bags? I was thinking of trying for titanium toolboxes..but are job specific bags only limited to that jobs contents (copper ore for mining for example) or..can you put, anything? Dragon bags feel better, but..for utility, i'd rather go with what's easy. Any suggestions on bags here would be appreciated.
How do i get warlock specific sets/warrior...etc? If memory serves they were from raids like there another way?
My hit rating is low, says 4/100 or something like that. Is there a way to increase it? Or does armor have an effect? Still not clear on if i should be using plate/mail..or if they'll mess up my skills...or if i can just outright go for highest armor of all? Reason i ask is a lot of armor that drops, for some reason even tho it's say, 350, and the one i have on shows as 300. It should say +50 to armor, (300 let's say is cloth, 350 is leather) but .. it still says it's a negative? Am i missing something here?
Is there anything vanity/fun wise, that's limited by season/unattainable anymore? (like tyrael from diablo's wings) that i keep seeing on people? ..or the battle pass stuff that seems to be locked? or is there something i should pounce on doing now?
PVP loot bags seem to drop less now that i've hit 60. (lasttime i tried misc, as my choice..and only got a blue shield, same one, twice) is there a loot table for these bags somewhere? Or is it time to move on to dungeon rewards?...or...what's better for me to start hunting gear wise (still want some pvp stuff, altho...)?
On the note of fists. I saw hoplite...but are there any fist specific buffs/talents or anything like that that i may have missed? On that note, summoning items (i am an engineer) from a quest that can be overlooked...and is still quite useful?
Stabling pets. The hunter skill to call a pet anywhere. Seems utility, but is it limited to hunter pets or any? ...probably overwrites my there a limit to how many pets you can have in the stables? What happens if you wanna get rid of one for a better one? (or can i keep them like vanity mounts and summon whoever i like with any character).
Dumb question but are there any mounts you can attack from? Probably not but figured i'd ask.
Are there any necessary utility things to get/set up you can suggest?
What is the highest tier of class specific (just for reference) we're up to?..i know i asked how to get them, but wondering about this too.
Last one - for now...- how does demon armor mastery (and similar talents) work on free 52..probably should have started with that.. Are they, get them once and the other ones don't take gem slots (epic, legendary, etc) or is it specifically for the randomized skills servers and not worth investing in?
Outside of regular gaming, figured i'd ask..not just for fun content, there anything that's fun and Funny to do? Like that walking hand mount..that i may have overlooked? Or any fun stuff that's time limited. Or any rare currency for vendors that i may have overlooked? (bazaar points i know, honor i know..) Still a wee bit lost there.
Shameful but...a good way to get money? Or even a decent way, outside playing pvp constantly for the loot bags/dungeons? On that note, is there anywhere good to solo (at my level) and farm for money? If it was that easy everyone would do it (probably auction house related) but still (i wanna get the profession slot upgrade book, veeeeeery costly).
...altho i'm trying engineering (on that note, for my question above about engineering, if you can suggest some really useful blueprints that ARENT at the trainer..or how to upgrade the'd be appreciated..been typing a while -.-) to fight far, close, and have my summons do most of the work while trying to have fun with it. Thank you for your time reading. And any guides (can't find any proper ones...) or videos to help me get through ..i know pvp was good for moolah and exp -> just wondering ..well..mostly what i missed so i can get more out of this. Very grateful for the game, and as rude as it sounds, not trying to sound like an interrogation but.. i'm looking forward to the answers ^.^ Have a great weekend and stuff.
Part 2 - Okay, so been playing a bit (and forgot what i added when i originally wrote questions. Starting a secondary list at 32 to make it easy..
There is a mount trainer in thrallmar -> but it's only showing the one. And the price (at least according to the wiki's i've found) is that BOTH mount skills? (for the regular and fast flyer) or is it just one?
The Call of ___ (elements, ancients etc) Shaman skill. Do you need all the totems, or can you just simply pick that skill and not worry about the others?
Plan change -> Hit 70, now have 30 ability, and 26 or so talent points leftover for fun stuff... -
Don't remember if i put this, but what is the pet limit? And are they realm wide? Like say i tame one, it's probably locked to one character, but if i put them from a horn or something.. "Horn of Black Dragon G-dawg" or whatever..does that one go towards ALL characters, or is it just the one i used it on? I'd like to collect them all and have a huge amount of choice but dunno if it works. On that note - the hunter skill for increasing pet limit to 6, does that include the horn of __ ones? (undead demon, dragon etc).
Can a fel reaver be controlled by the gnomish universal remote? (won't be able to attack much but seems like it'd be fun).
I saw a video for bloodforged gear saying they're over 200 gold..saw some on the auction house, 8 gold there a spot where i can find (without in game) an average for the auction price, or a suggestion to not break the market? Same thing for scythes, apparently they're highly valued for appearance reasons at 1k gold for a green one...just wondering a suggestion on that too.
The engineering jets. (turbo charged and the regular one..dunno if turbo charged is in this..) The databases i saw said it needs high engineering..but it's not too clear.
Is it safe to assume titan's grip only works with everything unless the skill says (does not work with titan's grip" ?
Battle pets -> those aren't actual fight pets are they?
Other pets.. What ones CAN'T be tamed. Saw someone say, undead can tame any. Does that mean if i had someone to distract her till it worked...I could get sylvanas as a pet for myself? Because that would be amazing! Just me and the undead queen ^.^ ..if only...
Back on topic - Regarding weapons. Thinking of duel wielding - but there's so many to go through. Are there any with a proc of summons (like hand of guldan) or something, summoning backup?
Speaking of, my plan to build a firing squad. Crazy cultist and hand of guldan can spawn 2 sets of goblins (8 total) to blast stuff for a few seconds. Looking at the totems - the summon greater elemental ones. Are those melee, or do they stay at the totem and fire? And above..can i get them with one skill (this is more for fun)...and anything else i can add to make a barrage squad attack/macro.
Speaking of macros -> Where do i go to ask for help on how to make them (when i finish with my build plans)?
My other idea, was a one man wolf pack -> for the curse of arugal. Get wolf head gauntlets (straitholme..and a few other places for vanity) Wolf shoulders..(or just wolf shoulders and go full cerberus) + spirit wolf/the wolf summon skill from shamans, wolf mount, and worgen form. Is being a one man wolf pack, feasable?
Lockpicking. I was curious so i got it from the rogue skill..checked, says i'm at 350 of 350, but I can't open anything (let alone my practice lock from that multiple use?) ..can someone please link me to a guide for lock picking (Figured it'd be useful to have).
I did my first raid (yaay) - and someone asked what drops from the crate options. Is there a guide, or video or something that shows what each choice drops (Say spirit for the black wing lair crate) ?
I tried something that i found interesting..if i put a trinket "use" on my hotbar, it'll switch it with one that's in there, and use the trinket. Is there a way/is it viable to make a macro of 6-8 trinkets to use them and switch back to the original ones in battle? (I really wanna use my mithril..and soon to be arcanite dragonling..if my stuff sells on the Auction house -.- Gotta get a flying mount first -.-)
On that note - Are there any trinkets with summons? And i do mean summoning..well..anything. My goal is still to fight with my summons (somehow).
..i think i asked it above but just in case, what is the summon limit? Thinking like diablo 2..just wondering how many i can have out. I think it's one pet. But then there's the goblins from hand of guldan..which makes me many can i get on screen to use? -
Thinking of the mount trainers -> Is it combined? ..if so..Are there any other trainers with a combined price, or something? On that note i have higher training but it still keeps showing apprentice training to be bought for some reason (bandages..and mining, hasn't showed on engineering yet).
Long eh..thank you for coming through... The daily quests from the board.(add that crate to my "what's in it" question..and the crates around area 52 o.0) is there a limit on timing to turn it in? Or can i get one, log, and do it hte following day if time doesn't allow (just not get anymore)? Also, when i did the bronze bolt one, i could do it 3 times. Just wondering what the limit for that is.
Can you do solo dungeons? Or try them? Probably not worth it sort of vanity items (I really want the fire fists from molten core..that one's definitely not a solo o.0) there a list somewhere?
Given my 30 ability, and 23 ish talents.. Are there any good CC stopping skills/talents to get? Or is it better to go full glass cannon? I was gonna make some goblin jumper cables as well from engineering but is an actual revive better..and if so..what's a good "revive" to have on hand?
I think i asked this above but just in case, what buffs pets my summons from warlock hunter skills apply? Or are "tree" skills only applying on those trees? I'm looking for something to stop sleep/stuns so i can keep attacking too...and to make a kick derriere summoner.
Saw onyxia's cape was necessary for blackwing lair -> are there any other dungeons/raids with "necessary" gear, or am i free to do whatever i want?..within reason, no level 1 gear ^.^
What's the quest limit? I saw i hit it when i grabbed a few for while i was exploring "speak to ___ in ___ and hit my limit. And do quest items "jim's starbucks cup - Start's a quest" <- item's like those count towards the quest limit as well? Better question, what is the limit, and what counts towards it?
....Thinking of sylvanas (in a pg 13 way..hehe had to leave a joke) just wondering if there's a list of lady/female pets to keep with you. (Thinking like shion from "is this a slime" with rimiru..i want a bodyguard lady ^.^) .....and can a fel reaver be tamed/gotten as a pet too? Astro boy would be fun to have...
What pets fire from a far. I know my fel guard runs in and plays the warrior. But are there really good ones that stay back/try to run and fire as well?
- just to make sure i didn't miss anything - what are all the "when spell hits gain ___ hp" ones for warlock/can be used there?
Is it right to assume the tier ones that take tokens are the best gear/best in general...or how do i acquire that?
Battleable pet limit aside - what's the pet limit for things like snakes, cockroaches, and mini fel reavers? (yes..saw the cockroach vendor in undercity...)
Dark moon do i find it/go to it and do the quests. Does it keep changing?
What are some useful utility skills like cough pick lock cough that should be gotten? (If i can waste a point on a revive i think it'd be useful).
If something is removed from regular wow, will it be removed here? Or is the balance adjusted to make up for that while still remaining close (like if blizzard does something really dumb/to make it much harder ascension devs will keep it to be more fun/less of a headache?)
What is recommended for enchants (may need this later). Because i'd love to have one really good set that i can keep through prestiges. Speaking of, what items stay, bank stuff or no? (I don't wanna lose my dragonlings if possible..and still have them all out at once ^.^).
Is there a weapon that is like the sword from..the heirloom one that has a chance at an extra attack? Are there any more that have that skill, or is it purely the heirloom one?
On that note, is there a way to enchant it, or get it WITHOUT the heirloom? Or a good one/gear with passive regeneration/life leach style. I currently have it so i heal when i do shadow damage (drain life..chaos bolt, and hand of guldan with crazy cultist) And keep me still kicking, but think i should have something a little extra, suggestions? (yes i don't use potions much, if at all) -
- the trees from the druid skill. How do they work, do they heal? Is it worth getting them as a healing pet/summon (to multitask a little just in case..remember one man wolf pack, they need a good tree to pee on ^.^)..altho with the gloves shoulders and worgen form they'd kinda be a wolf hydra instead of cerberus o.0...anyhew back on topic.
What's a good auction practice to keep up and get my items sold? For instance my primal mana, said 51 it safe to say it's gonna sell in a day? And is it better to sell them (or any item) individually or in a stack?
What is the drop rate of one of those horns? Is it1 percent... 0.0001 ? ..just wondering if they're worth farming?
Given that you can switch the "tame" thing freely. (demons to undead for example) if i do that (unlearn and relearn) do i lose my tamed demon?
Given what i've said above, cc defense/granting stuff aside, What's a good CC spell to have/ it necessary (i'd rather just nuke whatever it is/fight em with my summon). And is it better to add some melee boosting (i'm dual wielding fists at the moment, debating picking up titan's grip and some 2h's if there's some interesting perks/higher damage..unsure how it works tho/if it's necessary...Any help here/suggested "survival/utility" skills would be very helpful.
Is there a way to mute a channel for a while other then moving the window so it doesn't show? (If you log out, the second window stays but it still shows in the first). The spam is ..annoying..or some way to leave it in a seperate window by default? (By window i mean the tab thing where the chat is, when you move it that looks like browser tabs).
Part 3
Using this to test if i can post a screenshot here.. <- as long as the link works, see the bottom right? I clicked that on firefox, and it took me to the main page to edit my profile (which i did, did the security questions and stuff) now it auto redirects me to the main page..and keeps popping up here -.- I know this isn't game related but, having trouble using the forums, to ask for help, on said forums on how to make sure i can use the forums is maddening -.-
First time doing high risk - didn't realize stuff dropped on death from monsters too, and lost my gear after noticing i was missing an offhand. Is there any way to get it if you miss the chance to pick up your belongings? If long does the chest stay there after i die? (my undead's blond hair looked close to the cloth hood i had on so i didn't even notice while farming), they were pvp gear and easily replaced but still. On that note, any mods to put a timer on the chest so you know how long you have, just in case?
@Lyrst Hi there and welcome!
Unfortunately the formatting of this post does not make it easy to see the questions. As far as I see, you haved asked 70 questions in one block of text.
There are answers readily available on our discord, in the game or can be found out during your play sessions.
I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have but it is not possible to answer them in this format very effectively.
If you have any SPECIFIC, SIMPLE questions you need answered before diving into the game, please do let us know.
@TastyGM That's why I numbered them, to make it easier to answer. Not that hard to tell -.-
Edit : Edited the top post, spaced them out, still numbered for ease. If i don't get help, well, i'm used to playing games and not getting answers unless it's pretty and 2 word questions. It happens, annoying but happens. "During the play of your sessions" that's what i'm having trouble with, some of the wording seems ambiguous (or at least it is to me). which makes it harder to be sure if it works or not, or when searching wiki's/database stuff what numbers have changed for ascension (like my riding skill being 680, vs saying its 500 at most or something in normal wow) which is, it right..did i screw up somewhere? Anyhew, i spaced them out because numbering doesn't make it easy apparently. I've already spent a few hours typing this all up, and like i said above, if it takes too long (when you can be helping others) fine, i get it, but please don't let me know i'm not worth replying to, that really doesn't help at all, no reply is better isn't it? Anyway, good luck thanks for what you did answer, etc etc.
Either way, having a bit of trouble with the forum, I'll try to space them out however i'm having login troubles now (it keeps sending me back to the main page) ..might have to redo this on discord. Also was a test for the character limit.
I've checked guides, a few "database" style things..and a few youtube vids, none of it really giving a Clear answer, due in part to having different values in game (even one i thought was an ascension database/wiki thing. Anyhew, will play around with it...if it allows me to edit..let's see.. <- not a fan of nor do i use discord, unless absolutely necessary. O good i'm not limited on replies. Wonderbar...
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