LRE: Totems of the Avatar
Totems are empowered with the elements.
Each totem placed Increases your allocated stat by 5 percent. Allows any combination of totems to be placed.Gain the passive buff - Aspect of the Avatar
Aspect of the avatar: Causes you to deal 10% of your damage as extra elemental damage according to each placed totem type, scaling with talents etc. Totems of the same element class may stack.
(Example: 2 fire totems adds 20% of your damage as fire damage)
5% of this extra damage causes spirit damage - damage to opponents mana.
If an attack misses you, you gain lightning shield, mana shield, molten armor, water shield, and barkskin simultaneously if learned.
You take 100% increased nature damage.
Epic RE Synergies:
Lighting shield of the Avatar:
Lightning shield gains 3 more charges, and has a 5% chance to stun the attacker for 2 seconds.
Water Shield of the Avatar:
When a water globe is expended, also heal for 5% of the damage that expended it. -
Mana shield of the avatar:
10% of your mana spent while Mana Shield is active returns, and 10% goes to attacker. lasts 30 seconds. Nature damage received increased by 100% nature damage caused increased by 25% BUT Nature DoT's on you return 25% to caster -
Molten Armor of the avatar: Fire damage received increased by 100% Fire damage caused increased by 25% - BUT fire DoT's on you return 25% to caster
Can you handle the chaotic harnessed power of the elements?
Too overpowered? or too squishy? Lmk. The idea is majorly increase elemental damage received and dealt, to hopefully balance it in pvp. lmk what you think
this is incredibly anti-climatic, i love totems, ALL 4 OF THEM.
i do like extra totem love but breaking the rules of totem placing degrades the spell in it's generallity, having no totem placing limits is a very broken thing and for that reason i'm out.
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