revert the rarity system
remove rarities.
stop muting any criticism of the rarity system you are not gonna just mute away your problems.actually test stuff before vomiting it onto live servers.
use your own forums not discord.
stop this balancing of somethings(the builds you like) to be stronger than the builds you don't care about.
bring back free pick, i do not care about the gambling server, if having different servers is too hard for you to develop on, then delete the gambling server.
think for 1 second about the players that joined a few days ago and how this stupid reset of builds effects them.
i am not allowed by law to tell you how much i hate this, use your imagination. -
I think everything is good, people just have to adapt to the changes now (or something will have to be fine-tuned because nothing is perfect right away )
and in truth this rarity system should have been on the A52 about a year ago
and every change will always meet some resistance
and if you don't like something, nobody forces you to play it and you can make your own server
What have you guys done? I had so much fun playing my previous build. You guys have now completely destroyed it. Being confined in what you can pick is not fun. You are bringing back elements of WoW that players left Ascension for in the first place.
really dumb take to say make your own server, you are clearly a midwit who thinks ignoring the points you can't dispute and licking the devs balls is a clever thing to do .The devs claimed reasons for doing this are based on lies, they act like they are not the ones who created the problems they claim this system was designed to solve. They act like they were forced by some magical force to tune raids assuming everyone had these particular skills, they claimed that some skills were too expensive, yet they are the ones that made them expensive in the first place, they claimed that they need to balance for pvp , when most people do not care about pvp at all.
You do not need to balance raid encounters assuming everyone has blink, you can simply balance raid encounters assuming no one has blink.
The devs simply pretended that they were fixing someone elses mess, when in fact they are the ones that created all the problems they claim this new system would solve. All this system really did is limit people and destroy the very essence of 'free pick'
It is true that those who create this server so every change creates new problems but somehow as someone has long said. If I do everything right, it will never appreciate it, but as soon as Make once Mistake everyone will condemn me for it.
And who doesn't do anything can spoil anything and if you don't spoil anything so you don't learn and don't get a better individual
@Kyusthr33 The point is this is heaven for PvP players!
- New abilities
- Constrains on abusing and stacking of OP abilities while completely neglecting others!
- Way easier to balance
- Builds will be more creative and various, cus many of the abilities were completely ignored before rarities, and many people just chose same damage increasing/reducing abilities whatever the spec
Crying about a change without giving it time to enjoy and adapt is the dumbest shit ever!!!
Is this explanation enough?
@Pafelini I agree, initially I was not liking that top defense abilities and mobility are legendary and very limited, but than after finishing my new build, I realized a few things. 1 could get away with making much better balanced build. 2 if you concentrate on mobility and defense, well then, you get what you are supposed to get, a tank/tanky build.
I think this is going to work out a lot better, but with so many people with different thoughts and work ethics, there will always be many that disagree.
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