I'm scared to post here.
I've pretty much given up on trying to be reprimanded for my actions, and I don't expect anyone to un-perma-ban me from the Discord for what I did. But I have to ask if this is fair punishment:
1st Perma-ban for being in a non-rulebreaking argument with Guardian_Bear, who talked to me in a condescending manner which irritated me on a bad day.
2nd Perma-ban because a staff didn't think I was supposed to be unbanned when I was as soon as I said hi in Discord chat.
3rd ban for actually breaking rules by adding G E R reaction letters in a racist format at the end of some reactions, which I do deeply regret, as it does not reflect my real world views on humanity.I'll be shocked if anyone has the mental capacity to have read this far, and I'm worried that posting this alone will get me perma-IP banned from the forums too.
I just seek your opinions, because I want to be able to mentally accept these punishments.
@Qordinator Hi there!
Unfortunately I was unable to confirm anything but #3. Our logs don't have any history of #1 or #2. You were only banned once and that was indeed for what you described in #3
If you are going out of your way to break not only ours but also discord's ToS (to which you agreed btw), being permanently banned from the platform (or its part) feels like completely fair outcome of that situation in my opinion.
@TastyGM It's not that I'm trying to break rules. And you even messaged me saying you can't help me past my third ban. For being the only server to take such extreme measures as permanently IP banning a user once they get break an in-server rule, forgoing the possibility of any mutes, I have to question the rules of the server. Oh wait, I can't see them because I'm permanently banned.
Thanks for the input anyways. I think I'd like to stay banned if the people on this server are so stuck up.
@Qordinator We don't take extreme measures. Discord bans are always IP-bound - you can read about this in their documentation.
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