@CheefKweef IMO it depends on what your after in the game. I'm hoping to get covered in ants and get my raid on. I am gathering cards so I can prestige to get the skills I'm after for my build. If your just in it to win it and have a good time with friends then do that! If your wanting to do nothing but run dungeons as a filthy casual and your builds working then who cares! If your interested in earning mounts then do the challenges or collect gold to buy pets and stuff. It all depends on what you are after.

Tomorrow I'm going to tame a cool elemental and then stuff him in storage and prestige. I like the thought of rolling around as an enh shaman praising nature and having my ele pet but I'm not sure how viable it really is? I bought the pack and chose earth as my dude (for the armor skin entirely) and my elemental is kind of bad though I had to turn off all mods due to them causing glitches for me so no way to check how well it's really doing.