LERE: Good Weather were having. :)
LERE: Good Weather were having.
Transforms your Rain of Fire into Warming Sunlight
Transforms your Blizzard into Calming Rain
Transforms your Hurrican into Invigorating Breeze
Warming Sunlight:
Calls down rays of sunlight healing all party members for (x) and reducing the physical damage taken by (10%?) and magical damage taken by (5%?) of all party members within the AOE. Also increases frost resistance.
must be channeled – works with Firestorm RE
Calming Rain:
Calls down a pour of calming Rain cleansing all party members of poison and disease effects every (1?)sec and applying a heal over time effect to all party members. Also increases fire resistance.
must be channeled – works with Hailstorm RE
Invigorating Breeze:
Create a benevolent storm in target area healing all party members for (X?) and granting 5% Meele and Spell haste to all party members within the effect. - does not stack with Windfury totem or Wrath of Air totem. Also increases nature resistance
must be channeled –
Cool idea. Feels kind of Pokemon inspired.
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