Modified Addons to work with Project Ascension #2
Oke well after some testing and modding this now works for me, so fingers crossed it also works for you ;-).
Step 1:
When first running the modded version of Healbot, please follow the images here to set it up.
Options ---> General ---> Select Custom ---> select Druid (DO NOT select anything else).Step2:
Options ---> Skins ---> Bars ---> Disable Color bar by setting(Reason i disable this is because the bars for me have a orange color by default with this on, and as you can see in the next section "Curses" use the same color, so you cant seem them this way.
But if you changed the colors your self in the next section you can skip this part)Step 3:
Options ---> Cure ---> Pick the spells you wanna use here, i use Cleanse and Abolish Cure.
You can change the colors in the "Bar Colours" section below on the same page. (depending on what skin your using)Step4:
Options ---> Buffs ---> Select monitor for missing buffs, and change what buffs you wanna monitor and give them, a color.
(This should now show all the buffs you have learned)If you find any errors or such please post them below, and ill have a look at it when i have the time.
Do keep in mind this is just a fix, and i am not responsible for game breaking bugs/lose of account or damage's.
Having that said for me this works.Happy healing!
P.s If you wish to send me a present in game (absolutly not needed)
Please send it then to "Ficus"and yes i know my english is bad xD
Download Link:
Healbot -
Shield Up for ascension wow.
Show a number on your screen for how many stacks of shammy shield (water shield and such) you have left.
HealBot updated!! 27-05-2022 Version 1.1
The buff tracker not showing all buffs.Issues:
Dispel Magic (mage spell) not showing up in the list of debuff spells, this seems to be a issue with the original version wich the devs fixed in later version which offcouse dont work on 3.3.5. (Going to look in to this). -
The new updates just mess up Healbot, can someone pls fix it, pls pls pls!
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