Legendary RE - Bearer of Light (PalaBear!)
I got tired of all the shadow synergies, so here is a holy bear!
The concept is to have a pala prot merge with a bear tank, focusing more on recovering from damage and making it possible to use some holy tank abilities while shapeshifted.
It is legendary because I imagine it is rather broken to let a bear do Judgement and Consecration, but hey, it could also be really fun.Righteous Maul is meant to have the same cost, CD and but be melee range. Damage scales with Holy spell damage modifiers and have synergize with Shield of Righteousness talents/modifiers.
It doesn't replace Maul, but is in addition to Maul, like Crusader Strike to Shield of Righteousness.Goldfur shares all the costs, charges and application rules as Ironfur, but has the difference in that Holy Light now grants 1 application, meaning if you crit with bear abilities for Savage Defense, you can choose to either keep the Absorb it gives or heal you/ally instead.
Goldfur's increased healing incentives that you use the Holy Light and Righteous Maul to heal with.
The Ardent Defender portion is taken from Holy Shield.Although it is nowhere near as good as other healer REs, it could also be considered a decent support ability to be able to Holy Light whenever you crit an enemy without going out of Bear Form, although it might be broken for PvP.
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