My preferred class, in every game I play, is Healer.
I relish saving guildmates, groups, raids, and battlegrounds. I love being able to pull a shit situation out of the crapper and turn it to a win.
Without major investment in REs, healing is a difficult or impossible proposition. With all spirit gear, and the random heals given, I find it nearly impossible to keep a single player alive versus another single player.
That's not fun. It's not exciting. I don't care for the experience at all.
I returned to Ascension so I could see if any of the gripes I had about Healing classes had been addressed...
Oh they've been addressed in the exact opposite manner. Nerf, nerf, nerf...
With so many other forms of entertainment available, why stay here?
I'm disappointed and saddened. As a returning player, the only thing I experience -again, and again, and again- is death-death-death.
Thanks for that. What a wonderfully fun experience! /s
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