need to rant a bit
So i like to farm high risk its one of the few things i enjoy any more but 99% of the time any more i just cant seem to have any fun with it.
Endlessly farmed by groups where they farm u 1 by 1 to the point where u just lose all the work and time u put in to farming high risk mats gold and gear.And 95% all seem to use shadow dancer rouge set up and im 100% people use that dame spy addon to track people in pvp zones.
Hell i even had a bear build with 10k+ armor still get 2-3 tap by the rouge builds i just fell like theres no counter play to them and im just farming to lose it all to some one in 3 secs.
pvp just feels so dame unbal and useing a highrisk item is liek ringing a dinner bell to the rouge builds that i have stoped using them all together .
Im guessing it just not me thats had it i all most see no one at all farming mats and only shadow dander and the other shdaow rouge builds runing around in the maps to 2 tap all your items gold and gear away..
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