Addon or Hack?
There is a VERY small portion of players who are able to "jam" any data from being collected about their activity with addons like 'Recount'.
It doesn't seem like any legit addon would "jam" data tracking, because it would also mean they're "jamming" the combat log.
Looks like a hack to me, but I wanted to ask the community.
@Svennin hey I'm new here but it is most probably a hack because like you said only a small portion of players can "Jam" and they are known and mainly consist of game devs or admins
And also it is the most common hacking trick in the book because by "jamming" there data tracking and combat logs they can also rewrite the code to say they've won majority of there battles... but like i said I'm new here so i don't really know what goes on yet
Around half of what you said are things I CANNOT confirm. I DON'T know if they're game devs or admins or anything like that, or if they're doing anything beyond Jamming data collection.
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