High Risk Materials
2 Things regarding High Risk Materials I believe would be super beneficial to players looking to enter that part of the game. Both of these involve the wiki, though they could also involve in game items that are drop chances in the open world that could be learned which would be great for folks who would rather all their info be available in game.
Update the Ascension Wiki to have Ungoro crater items and zones, which is currently missing.
Add a wiki page that includes all the ascension specific items and has a loot table of what mobs or gathering nodes they drop from and the % chance they drop from those!
I think there is lot's of feedback about the High Risk gameplay as far as pvp goes, but as someone who Loves what ascension has done with their crafting system, I wish the barrier to entry was lower and I think it would encourage more folks to partake!
Rubis -
I would like to know why the high-risk materials of non-outland areas are not in the game for example Impure Wyrmkin Trinket
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